Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A little about me

I started lifting weights 4 years ago.  It was my first year in university and being pretty skinny, I figured I should start working out.  I worked moderately hard, and in return I got moderate gains.  I improved quite a bit off the bat but eventually I hit my plateau.  I worked out maybe 2-4 times a week for the next couple years, sometimes trying out the whole diet thing, and rest/recovery.  About a year ago I had an injury which sidelined me for a number of months.  When I got better I decided to rededicate myself to working out. 

I came across Hanh's videos on youtube one day and I really got inspired.   You can check out his blog here:
In my mind I always thought I was pretty close to what I could achieve and at times have been lazy.  When I saw Hanh's videos I knew that if I refocused and did all the things right, I could make more gains. 
I know I'm missing a few things in my training:
-Not enough meals and not sure if I'm eating the right things
-Never really used supplements (I've used protein and creatine, but never for any substantial period of time to notice any gains)
 -Focusing on full body lifts (Deadlifts,Bench, Squats, and Cleans)

Anyways, here's why I made this blog:
-To keep myself motivated
-To get help from others and also share my experiences with people starting out
-To track my progress to see the effects of supplements (protein, creatine and nitric oxide) and also dieting program.  I put up a graph from about a year ago.  I weighed myself everyday in the morning and recorded how much sleep I got, resting heart rate, weight, hours of training, and body fat percentage.  The numbers you see there are my weight.  The blue data was when I wasn't on creatine and the red data was when I was on creatine.  As you can see from the trends, it doesn't look like the creatine was helping put on muscle weight, however, I didn't start with a loading phase, and it was expired creatine =P.  The point is, I'm going to try and do this again, but this time do it right.  Everyone says creatine is really good but I want to prove it! 

Here's my stats right now:

Age: 22
Deadlift: 335# 1-3 reps
Bench: 205# 4 reps
Squat: 275# 4-6 reps
Cleans: 135#

I will be moving to a new city for a job in July, so I figured that's when I will start the dieting and supplementing experiment.  I will be finally moving out of my parent's house (I know) so it will be the best time for me to take control of my diet, training schedule, and everything else. 
Until then, I'll continue to workout the way I'm doing now and get really consistent so that I have a good baseline for July.I'll put up another post in a bit explaining my training schedule

Thanks for reading =)

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