So ever since I created this blog, I've been asking myself, what are my goals? Do I want to be a bodybuilder, a strongman, a fighter, or gymnast? (mind you, all roads lead to spartan glory) I wasn't leaning towards body building, because I don't want to be grossly out of proportion and it also limits a lot of my other activities such as fighting and gymnastics. I've been working really hard on my strength training lately, but I also don't know if I want to be a strongman; it also takes a lot of dedication and sacrifices. So the more I think about it, I think I have an idea of what my goals are:
- I want to put on a little bit of weight, maybe 10-20 lbs, BUT
- I want to keep my body fat % low, preferably less than 10%. I'm not exactly sure what I'm at now
- Work on my functional strength, through weight lifting and gymnastics. I've neglected gymnastics for a while, but I'd like to get back into it.
I quite often have to remind myself why I started working out in the first place. I've always enjoyed the fact that strength gives me the ability to control myself, and also my surroundings to a greater degree. For example, I love climbing things. Climbing rocks, walls, buildings, you name it, I'll climb it! Honestly, the main reason I don't climb more things is that I believe society is creating these cultural norms which are holding me back. For example, I'll be walking down the street, and there's a short fence in the way of my direct path. If nobody was watching I'd just climb or jump over the fence, but only "trouble makers" do those kinds of things. So I grudgingly force myself to take an extra 30 seconds to walk around and it kills me inside! If this sort of sounds like an ad for parkour, it is. I love the idea of parkour and deep down I think I have a good understanding of the essence of it. I'd really like to really learn it, but since I'm moving to a smaller city soon, I don't think they'll have any clubs out there....
But to get back to the point, my goal is to put on a little bit of weight so I can get a little bit stronger, but at the same time maintaining my strength to weight ratio because it's no good if I can sit down at a pull-down machine and lift 200 lbs but I can no longer climb things like I used to. So I need that strength to weight ratio so that while this is happening, I can get back into gymnastics. I don't know a lot, but I've played around on gymnastic rings and just strength holds.
So here's the best part of this post: If I'm going to be taking this gymnastics thing anywhere, I figure I'm going to need to learn how to do a perfect handstand first! So for the next 60 days, I'm going to spend 5-10 minutes practicing the handstand, and we'll see what happens on day 60! I'll take videos throughout this process, and hopefully by the end I'll be walking up and down stairs with just my hands! Ok fine maybe not on stairs. After I master that, on to hollow backs, hand stands on rings, and hand stand presses!
Here's a good read on handstands:
Hand Balancing Course
Good luck! You should post some progress pics!